God Has Not Forgotten Us…

“America needs prayer like never before.” Shirley Dobson 32545_national_day_of_prayer_single_flag_t_sm

We need answers, and divine intervention. soon, I think! And a spiritual awakening and revival? That would be wonderful indeed. Even though it seems we, as a nation, have put God off to the side and have forgotten Him. Even though many of us do not recognize God for the amazing and powerful God that He is. And have reduced Him to an unimportant presence, who shyly begs for our attention. The fabulously good news is that: God has not forgotten us, and He never will…!

Revival means to restore something to its original condition, and there is no denying that our country has a wonderful Judeo-Christian foundation. But sadly, we have lost so much of our wise beginnings and original condition. “We have forgotten God.” President Abraham Lincoln

And because of this, we see much trouble in our culture today. The breakdown of the family, crippling addictions, random acts of horrific violence and economical distress, just to name a few. We have all been affected in one way or the other.

But God has not forgotten us, remember that! And He can still bless and redeem our country.

“We have destroyed terms like truth, good, and evil. ”Robert Nesbet

How sad for us. And then some ask why, when atrocious things happen. But the answer is plain and simple. Of course things are crazy. We are simply reaping what we have sown as a nation. If right and wrong and good and evil are not important, and if we as a nation believe there is no God, we need not expect nothing less.

To quote Lincoln again, “We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined in the deceitfulness of our heart that all of these blessings that we see in our country were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own.”

Our only hope is to return to the biblical truth that we find only in the pages of Scripture. If we want to see our nation turned back to its original condition, then pray! Pray today, on the National Day of Prayer and pray everyday for our wonderful country, which we are all privileged to be a part of.

Vivian May Edwards


Trust God...!
Be still…!

Be still, God has never failed you. He has never turned His face. Never once, has He abandoned you; He’s always shown you grace.

Even when you were so sad, you could not even sleep. You could not pray or even speak; all you could do was weep.

Your past is the sweetest story, of God’s faithfulness so true. Of how strong and safe His tower of His gentleness with you,

Remember, how He saved you; through each storm He was your light. Remember, how He gave your soul His love songs in the night.

Remember, when He hid you ‘neath the shelter of His wing. Remember, how He held you tight, when comfort He would bring.

Remember, that you’re in His heart forever, there to stay. Be still, and know that He is God; He care’s for you each day.

Remember; don’t forget God’s kind deliverance in the past. Do you really think He’d leave you now to fall apart at last?

Your life is the sweetest anthem that you could ever raise. Of how awesome God’s provision, how to Him belongs all praise.

Wait, be still and rest in Him who carried you that day, Praise Him for His perfect plan that came without delay.

Trust, have faith, remember how God’s mercies brought you through. Thank Him, and remember He’ll deliver you this time too!

Vivian May Edwards

Psalm 77